Finally went to the RAM for a tour. Really impressed with their programming and plans for the future and the exhibits were pretty darn cool, too!Loved all the fibre art decorating front steps and trees because of the Western Threads exhibit.Display table at the Telephone Museum inside the Prince of Wales Armouries. This was during the Historic Festival & Doors Open kick-off event on July 6.My grandmother was a “Hello Girl” back in Montreal in the 1930s, so it was neat learning about some of the history here.The EDHS team was behind this great event – thanks for all their hard work!The theme this year was “Many Voices, Many Stories, One City” so there were great displays from different cultural groups around Edmonton.Had a great chat with these folks and hope to attend the Harmony Brunch next March. My favourite table might have been the Mandarin-English bilingual school one, though. They had this neat stick fortune set-up. Mine said to keep doing community and charity work and all my wishes will come true. Done!There were dances and performances all afternoon, including an official “drum-in” by Nii Koney for speakers and dignitaries. Hope to see some of these performances at Heritage Festival this weekend too!There were lots of wares and food for sale. Really tempting!Some of the Fort Edmonton Park interpretive team did a little skit and were on hand to teach visitors about Edmonton’s past eras. It was great seeing some familiar faces from the discussions in June, too!