Writing help is here!

I’ve always loved working with other writers and book professionals, but I had to step back a bit the past couple of years. Now my schedule has opened up again, and I’m excited to reboot my business!

This time I’m teaming up with friend and writing pal, Connie B. Dowell, over at www.bookechoes.com.

Need some support around the following areas? Drop me a line – I’d love to see if we’re the right fit to work together (or if Connie is your person!):

  • Coaching around the craft and business of writing
  • Developmental and substantive editing
  • Query letters, synopses, and book proposals

A little bit more about Connie:

Connie B. Dowell is an author of historical and cozy mysteries and nonfiction for writers. She is the host of the Book Echoes podcast for authors. After having two kids in less than two years, Connie developed a passion for time management and loves to chat author productivity and work-life balance. A former university writing center coordinator, she loves teaching other writers and guiding them toward success.

And me:

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail specializes in telling hidden, inclusive histories for audiences of all ages. She is the traditionally-published author of four books, including adult narrative nonfiction, essays, and a bestselling nonfiction picture book. Danielle is also writing both contemporary and historical fiction for adult and middle grade readers. She brings empathy and encouragement to her coaching and editing clients – along with a very sharp eye.

Let’s make your writing the best it can be – then get it out into the world!

4 thoughts on “Writing help is here!

  1. 우리에게 제공 한이 멋진 게시물에 정말 감사드립니다. 나는 이것이 대부분의 사람들에게 유익 할 것이라고 확신합니다. 툰코

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