Alberta Votes 2012

Election season is upon us here in Alberta, and as this is my first provincial election as an Albertan, I am paying particular attention to the platforms and candidates. The parties have staked their lawn signs and their members are putting the word out, but it can still be difficult to track messages, policies, and make a final decision comeContinue reading “Alberta Votes 2012”

Mill Woods Artists Collective: Building Community Through Art

In November 2011, a new arts initiative in Edmonton’s SouthEast was born: the Mill Woods Artists Collective. Canadian Authors Association writer-in-residence and poet, Jannie Edwards, and poet/hip hopper/NDP candidate Rod Loyola (also known as Rosouljah) began organizing monthly meetings to connect artists of all genres, get new projects off the ground, and contribute to the local community.Continue reading “Mill Woods Artists Collective: Building Community Through Art”