Freddie part of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library!

It’s been so hard to sit on this amazing news, but Freddie the Flyer is part of Dolly Parton’s 2024 Imagination Library for Canada!!! EEEEK! When I first got the news while cooking dinner for the family a couple of months ago, I squealed loudly and immediately teared up. I still feel like this today.Continue reading “Freddie part of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library!”

Book me for Canadian Children’s Book Week!

Canadian Children’s Book Week is open for bookings until February 2, 2024. Cape Breton teachers and librarians, the CCBC will be sending me your way in late April/early May to do author visits. These are subsidized by the CCBC so your costs will be minimal. Folks in other parts of Canada, I *may* be allowedContinue reading “Book me for Canadian Children’s Book Week!”

Thank you to my Kickstarter backers!

Doing my first Kickstarter campaign and my first indie publishing venture the past couple of months for Fever on the Forgotten Coast has been fun and, frankly, very vulnerable! But my community has come through in a big way. One of my favourite parts of a book is doing the acknowledgements, and I’d love toContinue reading “Thank you to my Kickstarter backers!”

Miramichi Reader Dreams Along with Freddie!

Thank you to the Miramichi Reader for their lovely review of Freddie the Flyer. It’s so heartening when the reviewer really gets the aim and intent of a book (and its authors) and connects with it! “The North is a place of extremes with its harsh climate and its exquisite beauty, where one calls toContinue reading “Miramichi Reader Dreams Along with Freddie!”

Kickstarter is launched for kid’s book!

For the next two weeks, I’m inviting backers to support my first Kickstarter campaign for my debut chapter book aimed at 7 to 9-year-old readers! To learn more about Fever on the Forgotten Coast, please visit my Kickstarter project page where you’ll find a video, information, and all the fun rewards levels I cooked up.Continue reading “Kickstarter is launched for kid’s book!”

Glowing Booklist Review of Freddie!

Freddie the Flyer.By Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail and Fred Carmichael. Illus. by Audrea Loreen-WulfOct. 2023. 32p. Tundra, $17.99 USD (9781774880807). Gr. 1–3. 629.13092 The story of an Indigenous boy who dreamed of taking to the sky unfolds across the year in thispicture-book biography that draws on Gwich’in and Inuvialuqtun languages, the power of an unshakeable passion, and,Continue reading “Glowing Booklist Review of Freddie!”