Freddie’s Fall Flight Recap!

What a trip!!! It took me a couple of weeks to process the epic launch journey for Freddie the Flyer last month. From KidsFest / Afterwords in Halifax through school, library, and bookstore events in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, I’ve been soaring through the fall (with some turbulence, of course!). Freddie on tour! GettingContinue reading “Freddie’s Fall Flight Recap!”

Books! The Best Holiday Gift.

Want to support a small business/creative entrepreneur this holiday season? Consider buying a signed and personalized book for someone on your list! My new book, Freddie the Flyer, is co-authored with Fred Carmichael the first Indigenous commercial pilot in the Arctic and features stunning artwork by Inuvialuit artist Audrea Loreen-Wulf. It’s getting rave reviews andContinue reading “Books! The Best Holiday Gift.”

Thank you to my Kickstarter backers!

Doing my first Kickstarter campaign and my first indie publishing venture the past couple of months for Fever on the Forgotten Coast has been fun and, frankly, very vulnerable! But my community has come through in a big way. One of my favourite parts of a book is doing the acknowledgements, and I’d love toContinue reading “Thank you to my Kickstarter backers!”

Miramichi Reader Dreams Along with Freddie!

Thank you to the Miramichi Reader for their lovely review of Freddie the Flyer. It’s so heartening when the reviewer really gets the aim and intent of a book (and its authors) and connects with it! “The North is a place of extremes with its harsh climate and its exquisite beauty, where one calls toContinue reading “Miramichi Reader Dreams Along with Freddie!”

Kickstarter is launched for kid’s book!

For the next two weeks, I’m inviting backers to support my first Kickstarter campaign for my debut chapter book aimed at 7 to 9-year-old readers! To learn more about Fever on the Forgotten Coast, please visit my Kickstarter project page where you’ll find a video, information, and all the fun rewards levels I cooked up.Continue reading “Kickstarter is launched for kid’s book!”

Glowing Booklist Review of Freddie!

Freddie the Flyer.By Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail and Fred Carmichael. Illus. by Audrea Loreen-WulfOct. 2023. 32p. Tundra, $17.99 USD (9781774880807). Gr. 1–3. 629.13092 The story of an Indigenous boy who dreamed of taking to the sky unfolds across the year in thispicture-book biography that draws on Gwich’in and Inuvialuqtun languages, the power of an unshakeable passion, and,Continue reading “Glowing Booklist Review of Freddie!”

School Library Journal Dialog Day: They Dreamed Big

In exactly one month I get to take part in this amazing day of virtual sessions for librarians and educators being put on by the School Library Journal! And the special guest speaker is the famous Texan actor/director Matthew McConaughey himself. AND there are a ton of other authors and illustrators I love like GeorgeContinue reading “School Library Journal Dialog Day: They Dreamed Big”