- Want to join in this four-part Taking Care of Business of Writing webinar series? I’m doing the first one on author/book promotion with Sal Sawler on Oct. 20th.
In this dynamic session, you’ll learn tons of strategies for promoting your books while building relationships and having fun. Find out how to get the word out about upcoming and already-published titles, solicit reviews and blurbs, and develop a dedicated readership.

- Alis the Aviator is now part of the Storytime Trail Program! You can purchase this innovative and interactive resource for your school or community or check out all the FREE videos associated with the QR codes here!

- Are you a teacher, school librarian, or parent of school-aged kids? I’m now booking my 2023 author visits! Visit my school visit page on this website for more details and feel free to forward to colleagues, teachers and librarians in your circles.

Note: unfortunately the author event in Hubbards, NS on Saturday, October 22 had to be cancelled. Stay tuned for other public events coming up!