Edmontonians Sizzling 20 Under Thirty

Last Thursday I was one of twenty under-30s who received recognition by Edmontonians magazine at its 10th annual reception. I was very lucky to be surrounded by six of the “Sizzlers” in my life: my husband, Doug, and five of my good friends. Several of them are movers and shakers in their own right, as writers,Continue reading “Edmontonians Sizzling 20 Under Thirty”

A Conscientious Canadian Maverick

I just found out I’m a finalist for Chatelaine’s 2011 Women of the Year Awards, which is very exciting! While I was originally nominated for the 20-Under-30 category, when the finalists were announced, I’d been switched to “Mavericks.” I had to pause: me, a maverick? According to their criteria, women in this category are “Trailblazers,Continue reading “A Conscientious Canadian Maverick”

On Women and Work

I’ve been busy organizing and running a conference the past month (more on that soon), and so have been remiss in my blogging, but that doesn’t mean the world stopped or the ol’ wheels in my head ceased turning. Lately I’ve had a string of encounters involving women of all ages, that has made thoseContinue reading “On Women and Work”

We don’t need no education

I’ve had education on the brain quite a bit recently. After all, I was just involved with the Young Readers’ Conference at a local Junior High last Friday, and really impressed with the innovative teaching happening there. Although, a couple of weeks ago I chatted with a disillusioned friend (M.Ed) trying to teach critical thinkingContinue reading “We don’t need no education”

Berton House Top Ten

It’s that time of year. The time of year when magazines, tv shows, internet sites, and everyone else make top ten lists. So I will too. About my time up north (although it’s very hard to pick just ten!). Here they are in no particular order: 1. Working, reading, watching tv, chatting, and napping atContinue reading “Berton House Top Ten”

Yukon’s northern charms hard to resist

The Edmonton Journal featured an article about the Yukon in its Saturday travel section and a friend forwarded it to me. Of course I couldn’t resist writing in! My letter was published today (but the photo’s my little blog addition): Edmonton Journal December 7, 2010 Re: “Yukon’s northern charm beckons; Newcomers thrill to area’s richContinue reading “Yukon’s northern charms hard to resist”

Beaming into the Berton House Gala

When technology works it’s a glorious thing. No, the Writers’ Trust of Canada hasn’t managed to snag a Star Trek teleporter, but they did use Skype to successfully beam me all the way from Dawson onto a 15-ft screen at the Berton House Gala in Toronto last night – which, if you’ve had any experienceContinue reading “Beaming into the Berton House Gala”

A Literary Weekend

This weekend was Alberta Arts Days, the time of year when the Texas of the north proves to the rest of Canada it is not a cultural sinkhole. That it is more than just tarsand and delicious beef. Actually, I don’t think the province cares what the rest of the country thinks – they doContinue reading “A Literary Weekend”

A blond on the Yellowhead Trail

I’m taking a break from reno work in Edmonton for the next week and focusing on my ‘real’ work: writing, researching, and promoting myself shamelessly. So yesterday morning I packed up the Mini Cooper -still sporting Wyoming plates – and jumped on Highway 16 out of Edmonton headed for British Columbia. A few months agoContinue reading “A blond on the Yellowhead Trail”