A Literary Weekend

This weekend was Alberta Arts Days, the time of year when the Texas of the north proves to the rest of Canada it is not a cultural sinkhole. That it is more than just tarsand and delicious beef. Actually, I don’t think the province cares what the rest of the country thinks – they doContinue reading “A Literary Weekend”

A blond on the Yellowhead Trail

I’m taking a break from reno work in Edmonton for the next week and focusing on my ‘real’ work: writing, researching, and promoting myself shamelessly. So yesterday morning I packed up the Mini Cooper -still sporting Wyoming plates – and jumped on Highway 16 out of Edmonton headed for British Columbia. A few months agoContinue reading “A blond on the Yellowhead Trail”

My film debut

I am sitting in the Ottawa International Airport (YOW – my favourite airport code!) after a whirlwind trip to my hometown, and am now awaiting a flight to my newly adopted hometown of Edmonton. Not much would have lured me away from the chaos of my first house and all the accompanying DIY projects, butContinue reading “My film debut”

Striking Writer’s Gold in Klondike Country

We may be stuck in a holding pattern when it comes to the move from Wyoming to Edmonton, but at least I know where I’ll be living from October to December of this year: the Yukon! I just got a call from the Writers’ Trust of Canada that I was chosen for the Berton HouseContinue reading “Striking Writer’s Gold in Klondike Country”

Canadian Book Tour: Part 4

Those few hours Doug and I spent stranded along the Trans-Canada seem far away now. Maybe because they are. I have been car-less for exactly nine long days: the tranny blew on Saturday, June 6th and we’re now the 15th, the day that was supposed to be my U.S. Launch Party and all-around fun timeContinue reading “Canadian Book Tour: Part 4”

Canadian Book Tour: Part 3

Friday, June 5th started with a lot of coffee. I took the first shift at 7am and at 11:30am we arrived in Dryden, Ont. There we made a quick stop at The Bookcase to leave behind five signed books which slotted nicely into their great section on bush flying and the north. A couple ofContinue reading “Canadian Book Tour: Part 3”

Canadian Book Tour: Part 2

Public humiliation has never been something I’ve consciously sought out, but you have to be prepared for a certain amount if you’re putting yourself out there as a speaker, writer, or say, Chapters bookstore greeter. Luckily, that didn’t happen to me this time around. While I arrived in the Thunder Bay Chapters parking lot withContinue reading “Canadian Book Tour: Part 2”

Canadian Book Tour: Part 1

I’m currently sitting in the Regina International Airport (Saskatchewan, Canada) awaiting a flight to Calgary, to make my last stop on this first book tour. I wasn’t supposed to be in an airport this trip. On May 19th I loaded my luggage and dog, Riker, into the back of my Honda Element. After a four-dayContinue reading “Canadian Book Tour: Part 1”