My film debut

I am sitting in the Ottawa International Airport (YOW – my favourite airport code!) after a whirlwind trip to my hometown, and am now awaiting a flight to my newly adopted hometown of Edmonton. Not much would have lured me away from the chaos of my first house and all the accompanying DIY projects, butContinue reading “My film debut”

The Trees in My Mind

It’s a funny feeling, being split between two worlds, but it also seems to be at the core of this writing thing. The other day I was musing about how living here, in southwestern Wyoming, my physical world is high plains desert: sage brush, antelope, and very few lakes, rivers, and trees. Researching the settingContinue reading “The Trees in My Mind”

Random Roundup

Yee haw – time to catch up on what’s been happening down here in Wyoming! The last few weeks have been crazy and the next couple of months promise to be as well. First off, the book has officially gone to the printers after a seemingly endless stream of edits, PDF proofs, rewrites, and indexing.Continue reading “Random Roundup”

Writing Fever

Forgive me father, for I have sinned, it has been 10 days since my last blog entry… Ah, but I have so much to show for it: Today is my editor’s official ‘draft is due’ deadline for the Laurentian book, and miracle of miracles, I’m just about ready to send off the final chapters! OfContinue reading “Writing Fever”

Writing through it all

I really try to believe in the saying that the universe (or God, depending on your belief system) only gives you as many challenges as you can handle. In Christianity, the story of Job is often used to illustrate this point. I am not a religious person, but this story of God testing the faithContinue reading “Writing through it all”

Giving Props

In today’s street jargon, “giving someone props” is to give them recognition, often by bumping knuckles. In the aviation history circles I’m running with these days, though, “props” are “propellers” – so it seems kind of fitting to use the term to say thanks to my colleagues’ ongoing support. As many of you know, IContinue reading “Giving Props”

Not the Busiest Beaver

As of yesterday we are back in Toronto, Onterrible (as my friend, Patricia calls it) for about a week. I had such high hopes for our time in the Ottawa area. Not only was I going to be incredibly productive, but I was going to also take advantage of access to cottages and lakes toContinue reading “Not the Busiest Beaver”