Expanding Horizons

I’ve been a little quiet on the blogging front since my return from the Yukon, which I blame mostly on all the shovelling I had to do last month. According to my Edmontonian friends and colleagues, it is definitely one of the snowiest winters in living history.

Now that the storms have moved off and are pummelling central and eastern Canada, I can recap some of the culinary and creative adventures I managed to squeeze in between shovelling sessions:

1. Roller derby: a few months ago I watched Whip It and decided immediately I wanted to see a real live roller derby match. I got my chance on January 22nd when several E-Ville teams took each other on in a colossal double-header at the Alberta Aviation Museum’s cadet hall. First game: Slice Girls versus the Berzerhkhers. Second game: Los Pisolitas and the Blackgold Diggers. It was great and I can’t wait for tomorrow’s game: E-Ville vs. the world!

2. Robbie Burns Day: The next Saturday Doug and I were invited to a friend’s house for their annual celebration of the Scottish bard. Even though I’ve spent quite a bit of time travelling in Scotland, I’d never tried haggis. Well, onto my plate it went, along with heaps of neeps and tatties. (We brought a very traditional Scottish President’s Choice cheesecake, if you’re wondering).

3. Hockley Beer: Whilst at my local seller of adult libations, I was introduced to a new Ontario microbrew, Hockley Dark. The clerk said it had a Boddington’s start and a Newcastle finish – well, how could I say no? I enjoyed it, but Doug (beer snob that he is) suggests they introduce nitrogen like Boddy’s and Guinness. I say, as long as it’s not Budweiser or Canadian I like it fine!

4. Tosh.o: another of my new discoveries this year that may be less than good for me. Please don’t judge.

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