Getting out and about in Green River

My friend, Anna, is visiting me here this week. While we’re both working against major deadlines (me = book; her = finishing up papers and reports for her Master’s in Public Health Policy at the University of Alberta), we needed to get out yesterday. So we headed “into town” i.e. we crossed the tracks toContinue reading “Getting out and about in Green River”

10 Photos That Changed Canada

Last Thursday The Beaver, Canada’s National History Magazine, launched its August/September issue at the National Archives in Ottawa, ON. This issue featured “10 Photos That Changed Canada” and I was lucky enough to be invited to the unveiling and to meet with the photographers. The Beaver’s editor, Mark Reid, convened a panel of Canadian photographyContinue reading “10 Photos That Changed Canada”

Not the Busiest Beaver

As of yesterday we are back in Toronto, Onterrible (as my friend, Patricia calls it) for about a week. I had such high hopes for our time in the Ottawa area. Not only was I going to be incredibly productive, but I was going to also take advantage of access to cottages and lakes toContinue reading “Not the Busiest Beaver”