Facing the pet store lady

A lot of you remember my run-in with the “are you an environmentalist?/apocalypse” pet store lady a couple of months back. I saw her again today! I’ve tried to avoid that pet store since the incident. I’m sorry, but nothing scares me more than the religiously insane (no matter how blog-worthy their antics!). This comingContinue reading “Facing the pet store lady”

Getting out and about in Green River

My friend, Anna, is visiting me here this week. While we’re both working against major deadlines (me = book; her = finishing up papers and reports for her Master’s in Public Health Policy at the University of Alberta), we needed to get out yesterday. So we headed “into town” i.e. we crossed the tracks toContinue reading “Getting out and about in Green River”

On a much lighter note!

To balance out the heaviness of the previous post, I’d like to draw inspiration from the American media which basically has the following M.O.: “We will hear more about the tragedy that occurred last night shortly. For now, let’s look at this hilarious footage of a squirrel water-skiing!” Ok, so I don’t have a videoContinue reading “On a much lighter note!”

Writing through it all

I really try to believe in the saying that the universe (or God, depending on your belief system) only gives you as many challenges as you can handle. In Christianity, the story of Job is often used to illustrate this point. I am not a religious person, but this story of God testing the faithContinue reading “Writing through it all”

If this writing thing doesn’t work out…

It’s always good to have a back-up plan. So, if this whole writing thing doesn’t go as well as hoped, then I think I might become a professional baker, gift-maker, and fundraiser! We just held the Rock Springs Humane Society’s first annual Holiday Market yesterday and though it was a lot of work, it wasContinue reading “If this writing thing doesn’t work out…”