Photogenic Salt Lake City

Holy Mecca for the LDS (Church of Latter Day Saints) aka Mormons. This area is called Temple Square for good reason. Brigham Young, who led the Mormons to Salt Lake City from the east. I have no idea why they wouldn’t have stopped in the high desert country of Western Wyoming (where no tulips areContinue reading “Photogenic Salt Lake City”

Random Roundup

Yee haw – time to catch up on what’s been happening down here in Wyoming! The last few weeks have been crazy and the next couple of months promise to be as well. First off, the book has officially gone to the printers after a seemingly endless stream of edits, PDF proofs, rewrites, and indexing.Continue reading “Random Roundup”

My Canterbury Tales

The next stop in my UK travels was to see my friend, Monica, in Canterbury, England. So on Sunday, January 25th I boarded a flight from Edinburgh to London Gatwick, took the Gatwick Express train to London Victoria rail/coach terminus and caught a bus heading east. This was definitely the leg of my trip whereContinue reading “My Canterbury Tales”

Away for a wee bit

Sorry for the silence but I’ve been in Scotland the past week and there was the pre-trip insanity before then! I really, really wanted to have the whole draft off to my editor before my departure, but that wasn’t possible once I realized how long it would take to sort through 1200 photos and decideContinue reading “Away for a wee bit”

This Is Wyoming (Part Two)

For those of you who read my original post, This Is Wyoming (TIW), you probably have an inkling of what is to come in part two… Preparing for an overseas journey is always a little stressful. You want to get ahead on your work – clear your desk physically and mentally. Then you need toContinue reading “This Is Wyoming (Part Two)”

Feeling High and Dry

High Desert Country. This pretty much sums up the climate and elevation of our new hometown of Green River, Wyoming: the city sits at a lofty 6100 ft (1859 m) above sea level and is a green oasis surrounded by scrubland, sand dunes, and the Red Desert. To put this in perspective, nearby Denver, ColoradoContinue reading “Feeling High and Dry”